Today, many of the multinational companies are competing together to in their business to do 'profit- marking'. Brand is basically refers to the famous products that usually manufacture by the multinational company. John Ermatinger, president of Levi Strauss Americans division explain that " Our strategy plan in North America is to focus intensely on brand management, marketing, and product design as meet the casual clothing wants and need of consumers". This explain why their company's decision to shut down twenty-two plants and lay off 13, 000 North American workers between November 1997 and February 1999. This is one of example of big company just focus on the needs of their brands, as opposed the need of their workers. They signify their plants to research the new places in the world to expand their company. The profit-making that that put out by the capitalism encourages the owner to make the 'M-C-M' which is surplus- value in gain more money from the commodity. Where they right for workers to get some income for their daily life? Why only the some class of person refer to the rich people like the owner of the company gain all the profit but the worker just only fulfill their necessary needs? I am not thinking that the profit is not necessary for the industrial and business but these will diminish other person right. The companies have a power to control and interfere with the liberty of workers because the political economy regard to the capitalism philosophy state that the government should have minimum function in the economy field. The ' free-market' concept is used to build competition between human to develop their business with a little government regulation. According to Hospers on the concept of libertarian freedom, government just acts as protector of the citizen against aggression by other individual. Then, what about the monopoly of company to their workers? Is the government not having a power to protect other person's freedom to work? I do not agree with the concept of political economy by capitalism because the natural rights are more important than political rights. Refer back to the Klein, more factory closure each week and 45000 U.S apparel workers lost their jobs in 1997 alone.
The modern technology also influent in reduce the right of people especially the workers. Brand-name multinational company like Nike, Champion, IBM and Levi's not interested in budgeting for labor but focus on the innovation and marketing the huge number of their product in the worldwide. We can see many of factory use almost machines and tools to create and assemble the products. The products will become "surplus and low prices" affected the uses of technology in industrial. Of course, logically the manufactures and people both gain benefits from this condition. So, what about the workers who will lose their job because the companies want to open the new factory in the other countries which the rate of wage for workers is very low? Absolutely, people will not have their right to buy the stuffs which are very necessary in their lives. The modern technology is seemed to reduce the natural right of people to carry out activities. I become worry if the lower classes of people in the world will not have any job because almost the manufacture factory use these modern machines and tools to assemble their product.
Refer to the journey by Klein to the Rosario in Philippines, there have a place called Cavite Export Processing Zone which one of the free-trade zone in the world. At there, all the multinational companies build their factory which cause will cause Rasario, the town's busy. By the way, the Rosario has all the problems of industrial such as air pollution and the river sewage. So, how about the responsibility of people toward the preserve of environment? It is unethical for company to development their industrials while at the same time destroy and pollute the environment. Human should think and study about the ecological logic before do any actions that connect to the non-living thing.
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